Monday, March 19, 2007

Funny Sunday

I am supposed to work on Sunday. Woke up around 6am and watches movies on my couch until 9am. Then leave the home at 10am to pick up my mom to go to Klang for an appointment with my Uncle. Well, the meeting was postponed due to the guy that I supposed to meet, went to Ipoh for some business. I was pissed internally, but I did not said it out loud. Have some bah kuh teh for lunch and went to sleep at my 2nd Uncle's house. It was very hot for me, because I am always at the place where the ambient air is at 16 degree Celsius. I was sleeping and sweating at the same time. It was a sticky situation. Woke up at 3:30 and drive home. My mom cook a wonderful dinner and I was enjoying the dinner while watching some movies on Astro.

It is meaningful?

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