Saturday, March 15, 2008

Don't judge a book by it's cover: A blonde joke

A very wealthy blonde woman walks into a bank in NYC and asks the banker for a $5,000 dollar loan. She exclaims that she has to go out of town on urgent business and needs the 5 grand right away. The banker regretfully tells her that they'll need to run a background check before just giving out a loan to someone. She begs and begs but to no avail. The woman says that there's no reason, since she's one of the wealthiest people in New York. The banker, not sure whether or not to believe her or not, says that the only way they can skip the background check is if she has something of value that's considerably worth more than the 5 grand. The blonde says well how about if I give you the keys to my Porsche. The Porsche, having been all paid for, was enough to persuade the banker to give her a $5,000 loan. After twenty minutes or so, the lady walked out of the bank and flew overseas on her business trip.

A week later she returns and tells them she's like to pay off her loan. The banker tells her with interest accumulated that she owes $5,021.19. She pays in cash for it and begins to walk out the door. As she's leaving, the banker stops her and says. "I can't help but wonder. We did a background check on you anyways and indeed, you are one of the wealthiest people in New York. May I ask why in the world you would you need a loan for a measly five thousand dollars?"

The blonde looks back at the banker and replies: "are you kidding me, where else in New York city could I find a place to park my car for the week for $21.19?"

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