Monday, May 19, 2008

Recession or Terrorism

It is an interesting subject, which does you fear: Recession or Terrorism?

My take will be neutral in this case, because if we think in a clear mind, both of them have a direct relationship with each other, in another word, if one happened, the other will follows. But, if you want me to take a clear stand, it will be recession.

What do you fear more: Terrorism or recession?
Posted: May 18, 2008 ,1902 GMT
By: Todd Benjamin

I want to ask a controversial question. What do you fear more, terrorism or a recession? Now before you think I’m insensitive or have gone off the deep end, let me explain how I came to ask this.

I was leaving the CNN building and outside, one of our camera crews had set up to do a live report. I asked the producer what the reporter would be talking about. “Terrorism,” she replied.

So I asked her, what do you fear more, terrorism or a recession? She gave me one of those looks which said, you can’t be serious Todd, suggesting that the one and only correct answer is terrorism.

But it’s not the only answer, and here’s why.

The cameraman said he actually feared a recession more. “What do you mean?” the producer asked, incredulously.

The cameraman said he figured his chance of being a victim of terrorism was pretty low, so he feared a recession more. And this is a guy who has seen death up close.

In no way am I downplaying a terrorist attack. Obviously when it happens, it has a devastating effect. We have seen the aftermath of 9/11, the Madrid bombings, the London bombings, and elsewhere.

The image of those planes flying into the World Trade Center in New York City, smoke billowing as people ran from the towering infernos, will forever be etched in our minds.

I can also remember feeling uneasy the first few days after the bombings in London in July of 2005, but then life regained its normalcy, its everyday rhythm.

Even in the immediate aftermath, I was struck by how many people went on with their daily lives, taking public transportation or standing and drinking outside pubs, refusing to give in to the fear that terrorists want to instill.

However, right now, I suspect if I asked many people what do you fear more, an act of terrorism or recession? Many would answer a recession.

I think for many of us, an act of terror is something we can’t control, because we don’t know when or where it will happen.

When it happens our hearts go out to the victims, and families, and we also feel angry and violated because innocent people die or are seriously injured and traumatized.

But as horrible as terrorism is, it could be argued that a recession affects many, many more people, millions who don’t lose their lives, but lose their jobs, their identities, homes, and possibly relationships also with devastating effect.

So is it any small wonder that the cameraman and others might fear a recession more than a terrorism attack?

As I said in the first sentence, it’s a controversial question, but in these times when there’s so much talk of recession, it’s a question I’m asking.

Tell me what you fear more, I’d like to know where you stand on the issue.

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