Sunday, September 02, 2007

OPA's dinner

It is one of the most disappointing events that I have attended... yes it is a great place to meet old friends...but it did not stand up to the standard...

I just found out because of one ignorant friend, my friends in the same batch can't attend the event...he first told us about the event and asked us to SMS him whoever is going...and he did not follow up after that....then suddenly boom the event started... and I found out that our batch have only one embrassing....

The second thing was the dinner turned to be a drinking event... where everyone is drinking themselves to a bunch of drunken and not the Paulians that I knew... they did not listen to what's going on...such as toast to the oldest Paulians and such....Paulians don't act that way... those are ruffians's act...damn....

I hope that the organizer of the OPA will take a note of this and have a better dinner next time...

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