Sunday, January 20, 2008
What have happened for the past days
Saturday, January 12, 2008
A confession from the Polar Bear
Do Monkeys Pay for Sex?
We always thought how the oldest trade begins? Even Monkeys do it... No wonder the they carried so many viruses... remember the theory of HIV origin?
Do Monkeys Pay for Sex?

It turns out that one of humanity's oldest professions may be even older than we thought: In a recent study of macaque monkeys in Indonesia, researchers found that male primates "paid" for sexual access to females — and that the going rate for such access dwindled as the number of available females went up.
According to the paper, "Payment for Sex in a Macaque Mating Market," published in the December issue of Animal Behavior, males in a group of about 50 long-tailed macaques in Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia, traded grooming services for sex with females; researchers, who studied the monkeys for some 20 months, found that males offered their payment up-front, as a kind of pre-sex ritual. It worked. After the females were groomed by male partners, female sexual activity more than doubled, from an average of 1.5 times an hour to 3.5 times. The study also showed that the number of minutes that males spent grooming hinged on the number of females available at the time: The better a male's odds of getting lucky, the less nit-picking time the females received. Though primates have been observed trading grooming for food sharing or infant care, this is the first time this kind of exchange has been observed between male and female primates in a sexual context, says lead researcher Michael Gumert of Singapore's Nanyang Technological University, demonstrating that the amount of time a male macaque "will invest in [its] partner" depends largely on how many options it has around.
We, more evolved primates, may be tempted to take a cynical view of these findings, but the study's author suggests a more favorable interpretation: The macaques' exchange of services simply illustrates a nifty system of cooperation that allows for successful mating. The basic premise, says Gumert, is called biological market theory, which follows the elementary principles of supply versus demand. When applied to the voluntary sex life of long-tailed macaques, it means that the price that one group is willing to pay for a commodity that the other group has depends on the scarcity or abundance of that commodity on the market. Scientists think female macaques may use grooming, too, to try to maintain social relationships within the group to benefit their offspring, or as a way to distract or appease males from getting aggressive after a sexual encounter. In fact, when female macaques groomed males, their services decreased sexual activity in males.
It's easy to draw parallels between the monkeys' mating dance and our own, but Gumert warns against reading too much into primate studies like this one. The paper draws no conclusions about what these observations in monkeys mean for the human world. In fact, whether and how scientists should extrapolate from primate behavior is a fairly "big debate," says Gumert. Certainly, our biology underpins much of what we do, but so does our culture and environment. Gumert asks, "Where do we draw the line?"
That inquiry is at the heart of primate studies like Gumert's. While science would do well to understand more about the long-tailed macaques' social world — especially as the animals are increasingly losing their natural habitat in Asia — Gumert says figuring out how this market concept can be applied to the social settings of other animals, including humans, will be its long-term value. In the meantime, it can at least make for some thought-provoking pillow talk.
Did Insects Kill the Dinosaurs?
Why am I interested in this article?
The reason is simple: It is another David versus Goliath situation... The survival of the Fittest...
2nd reason: Will us met the same situation? Why? Because think of SARS... it is something that was caused by human's ignorance towards the environment... So we should contribute more to our environment and instead of keep polluting it... Love Mother Earth.Did Insects Kill the Dinosaurs?
(Taken from,8599,1702501,00.html?CNN+YES)
By now, scientists have a pretty good idea of what conditions were like in the Cretaceous period, which started about 135 million years ago, and came to a sudden end 70 million years later, with the death of the dinosaurs. Or rather, they think they do — but two new sets of research results suggest there's a lot more to learn.
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The first has to do with the period's cataclysmic close. In lots of people's minds, the mystery of what killed the dinosaurs and other species — paving the way for the rise of mammals — was solved a couple of decades ago: a giant asteroid or comet slamming into the Earth, resulting in a dust cloud that shrouded the sun, cooled the planet dramatically and killed off plants and animals wholesale. It's a compelling story, but plenty of scientists never completely bought it. The dinos died pretty quickly, they admit, but not quite abruptly enough to be explained this way. So alternate theories — the dinosaurs succumbed to allergies, from the rise of flowering plants, or to world-shaking volcanoes in what's now India, or to disease — have always bubbled around the periphery of the conventional wisdom. We wrote about one of these hypotheses a couple of months ago.
Now the disease theory has gotten another boost, in the form of a book titled What Bugged the Dinosaurs, from the Princeton University Press. Authors George and Roberta Poinar (George is a zoologist at Oregon State University and a former World Health Organization consultant on infectious disease) specialize in ancient insects preserved in amber (a key plot element in the movie Jurassic Park) and also in fossilized dinosaur poop. Among other things in their lode, they've found ticks, nematodes, biting flies and all sorts of other nasties, including intestinal parasites, dating back to the Cretaceous period. From some of the insects, the Poinars have extracted microbes that cause leishmania and malaria — evidently new pathogens back then, against which dinosaurs wouldn't have had much resistance.
The authors aren't arguing that the dinos all died in a massive epidemic; rather, the constant wear and tear of illness weakened the dinosaurs so that other catastrophes, like comets and volcanoes, could have finished them off. Still, the Poinars couldn't resist a bit of made-for-Hollywood drama. One great quote from the book: "The largest of the land animals, the dinosaurs, would have been locked in a life-or-death struggle with [insects] for survival."
The other recent challenge to conventional Cretaceous wisdom comes from a paper in the journal Science, published Thursday. It's pretty certain from many lines of evidence that the world was much hotter then (which is why a post-comet cold snap would have been pretty tough on the dinosaurs). During a period called the Turonian, about 90 million years ago, things got especially toasty: In some places, during what's often called the "super-greenhouse" years, the ocean's surface temperature approached 100 degrees F, and alligators thrived in the Arctic.
So, how come there were massive glaciers in Antarctica at the time? Paleo-climate experts have seen hints of this oddity before, but the new Science paper nails it down much more firmly. Andre Bornemann, of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, along with several colleagues, got their information by analyzing the amount of the isotope oxygen-18 in foraminifera, tiny, shelled sea dwellers that thrived at the time. It turns out that when water evaporates from the sea but doesn't return (implying that it's trapped up on land somewhere, frozen), the ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 in seawater changes (O-18 is heavier, so it evaporates less). The foraminifera aren't picky; they just incorporate oxygen into their shells, in whichever form.
What researchers found was a stretch of a few hundred thousand years during which foraminifera shells were unusually rich in oxygen-18, suggesting the presence of glaciers. Though changes in ocean temperature can also alter the oxygen balance, sea-bottom temperatures don't vary much no matter what's happening up top, yet the bottom-dwelling foraminifera still exhibited an oxygen imbalance, implying that the ice effect was more likely. Nobody can explain how you can have glaciers in a superhot world. But then, nobody can really explain how the world got quite that hot in the first place.
Taken together, the hothouse glaciers and the sickly dinosaurs suggest a conclusion that should serve nicely as the new conventional wisdom about the paleontological past: Don't take conventional wisdom too seriously.
Unknowing twins marry each other (Strange and scary)
Sometime life is so screwed up that you unexpectingly married your own siblings.. so it is safe to do a medical check up before married anyone...
Taken from
LONDON, England (CNN) -- British twins who had been separated at birth learned they were related only after they had become husband and wife, a senior British lawmaker said. The marriage has been annulled.
Former British MP David Alton highlighted the case of the twins who unwittingly married each other.

The couple's identities have been protected for legal reasons.
Their case was first highlighted by Lord Alton of Liverpool during a discussion on donor conception in the House of Lords in December, but only came to light Friday.
The peer told the House of Lords that a court annulled the union as soon as the twins' true relationship became known.
"They were never told that they were twins," he said during the Dec. 10 debate on a law covering human fertility and embryology. They had been adopted by separate families and "met later in life and felt an inevitable attraction, and the judge had to deal with the consequences of the marriage that they entered into and all the issues of their separation."
No further details about the couple have emerged, and it is not known when the marriage took place or how long they were together before they discovered the truth.
Adoption groups said Friday the case proves the need for openness and transparency during the adoption process.
Mo O'Reilly, director of child placement for the British Association for Adoption and Fostering, said released a statement saying: "Thirty or 40 years ago it would have been more likely that twins be separated and brought up without knowledge of each other."
However, she said, greater emphasis in recent years on ensuring adopted siblings stay in touch meant this "traumatic" case will remain "incredibly rare."
Daisy O'Clee, a spokeswoman for the agency, said that of more current concern is the lack of legislation surrounding fertility treatment.
Under British law the parents of a donor-conceived child do not have to declare that fact on the child's birth certificate, O'Clee told CNN. This means a child conceived with a donor sperm or egg may never know their true origin.
Lawmakers will vote Tuesday on whether to pass a law covering human fertility and embryology that would relax the rules on who can have fertility treatment.
O'Clee warned that in its present form the proposal does little to address the rights of donor-conceived children.
"The rights of donor children are being ignored," she saidThursday, January 10, 2008
Famous quotes for today
Something that everyone should remember, no matter you are a man or a be wise... it is a heavy burden.
"Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare. "
Japanese Proverb
I have seemed many I hope that this year I will able to follows these two sayings...Tuesday, January 08, 2008
The Real Truth On Friendship???
Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship'
poems that always sound good, But never actually come close to reality?
Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship.
You will see no cutesy little smiley faces on this card-
Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.
1. When you are sad
-- I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against The sorry bastard who made you sad.
2. When you are blue
--I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile
-- I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in. ?
4. When you are scared
-- I will rag on you about it every chance I get.
5.When you are worried
-- I will tell you horrible stories about how much Worse it could be until you quit whining.
6. When you are confused
-- I will use little words.
7. When you are sick
-- Stay the hell away from me until you are well
Again. I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall
-- I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.
9. This is my oath....I pledge it to the end.
'Why?' you may ask;'because you are my friend'.
Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, But only you can feel the true warmth.
Well disgusting, but it almost speak the truths.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Gates hails age of digital senses
Well, we have to give plenty of credits to Mr. Gates... although sometime the thing that he said was funny like: " There is no Macs in my house", but without his idea of making Windows... there is no blogs, no internet surfing and etc... everything will be in so non friendly ... so we will have to thanks him for that. This is an article regarding his interview with BBC. (Taken from
![]() | ![]() Touch will become an important interface for PCs, Mr Gates said ![]() |
He predicted that the keyboard and mouse would gradually give way to more intuitive and natural technologies.
In particular, he said, touch, vision and speech interfaces would become increasingly important.
Mr Gates made his comments whilst answering questions from BBC News website readers.
"This whole idea of what I call natural user interface is really redefining the experience," he said.
"We're adding the ability to touch and directly manipulate, we're adding vision so the computer can see what you're doing, we're adding the pen, we're adding speech," he told BBC News.
During the interview Mr Gates showed off the Microsoft Surface computer, a large table like machine with a multi-touch interface.
"I'll be brave, in five years we'll have many tens of million of people sitting browsing their photos, browsing their music, organising their lives using this type of touch interface," he said.
Vista versions
Although Microsoft Windows has become the most widely used operating system in the world, Mr Gates admitted that he had not always got things right.
"People thought we were late with the [web] browser," he admitted.
In addition, he said, search was an area where people thought that Microsoft had not fulfilled expectations.
"Google has done a good job," he said. "We expect to surprise people that we can match and even do better there - people should wait and see."
Mr Gates also answered questions about Windows Vista, the firm's often-criticised operating system, launched last year.
"I'm very proud of Vista," he said. "Like all of the products we ship, we hear how we could do this differently or that differently."
There are no Macs in my house
He said the firm had received "lots of feedback" on the software.
"We do downloads and improvements all of the time and of course there'll be a major new version coming along," he said.
Microsoft has just announced that it has sold 100 million licences for the operating system.
During the questions and answers session he also revealed his own computer habits.
"There are a lot of PCs in my house - over 10," he said.
In particular, he said, he used a tablet PC, a notebook computer that is operated with a digital stylus.
However, he said, he does not use his competitor's products.
"There are no Macs in my house," he admitted.Final thought: How many of you are using Vista? How many of you downgraded your PC or notebook operating system? I know I did because it is so bad...
The History of Spectacles (Glasses)
Well from the link:, Nobody knows who invented the spectacles... and the history goes on like this:
"Roman tragedian Seneca (4 BC–AD 65) is said to have read "all the books in Rome" by peering through a glass globe of water. A thousand years later, presbyopic monks used segments of glass spheres that could be laid against reading material to magnify the letters, basically a magnifying glass, called a "reading stone." They based their invention on the theories of the Arabic mathematician Alhazen (roughly 1000 AD). Yet, Greek philosopher Aristophanes (c. 448 BC-380 BC) knew that glass could be used as a magnifying glass. Nevertheless it was not until roughly 150 AD that Ptolemy discovered the basic rules of light diffraction and wrote extensively on the subject. (The laws of diffraction was formulated much later by Snellius, between 1600 and 1620.)
Venetian glass blowers, who had learned how to produce glass for reading stones, later constructed lenses that could be held in a frame in front of the eye instead of directly on the reading material. It was intended for use by one eye; the idea to frame two ground glasses using wood or horn, making them into a single unit was born in the 13th century.
In 1268 Roger Bacon made the first known scientific commentary on lenses for vision correction. Salvino D’Armate of Pisa and Alessandro Spina of Florence are often credited with the invention of spectacles around 1284 but there is no evidence to conclude this. The first mention of actual glasses is found in a 1289 manuscript when a member of the Popozo family wrote: "I am so debilitated by age that without the glasses known as spectacles, I would no longer be able to read or write." In 1306, a monk of Pisa mentioned in a sermon: "It is not yet 20 years since the art of making spectacles, one of the most useful arts on earth, was discovered." But nobody mentioned the inventor.
In the Middle Ages wearing spectacles signified knowledge and learning. Painters of the time often included spectacles when portraying famous persons even when depicting people who lived before the known invention of spectacles. On numerous paintings the religious teacher Sofronius Eusebius Hieronymus (340 - 420 AD) is portrayed with a lion, a skull and a pair of reading glasses. He is the patron saint of spectacle makers.
It actually is true that eating carrots can help you see better. Carrots contain Vitamin A, which feeds the chemicals that the eye shafts and cones are made of. The shafts capture black and white vision. The cones capture colour images.
The oldest known lens was found in the ruins of ancient Nineveh and was made of polished rock crystal.
In 1718, Edward Scarlett, a London optician, put arms on eyeglasses to hold them on the ears.
About one person in 30 is colour blind. More men than women are affected by colour blindness.
Healthy eyes are so sensitive to light that a candle burning in the dark can be detected 1,6km (1 mile) away. The human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colours. There currently is no machine that can achieve this remarkable feat."
(Taken from
Sunday, January 06, 2008
To make a mistake
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
To make a mistake was a right thing to do? For this twenty something years, I always learn that this is the correct saying...
I remembered I always like the challenges while doing calculus... it is the best feeling... because the numbers of ways of doing the question...the mistakes that I made before I can ever make it right.
When I applied this to life, it is the same thing...but something life cannot afford to make to many that many mistakes...because it is hard to stand up from the place that you fall...
To sum it up, I hope this year I will make less mistakes... in another way, I hope that I can learn from my past mistakes.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
The list
How many of them in the list that you already read?
"1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die"
(Taken from
2000s (time)
- Never Let Me Go – Kazuo Ishiguro
- Saturday – Ian McEwan
- On Beauty – Zadie Smith
- Slow Man – J.M. Coetzee
- Adjunct: An Undigest – Peter Manson
- The Sea – John Banville
- The Red Queen – Margaret Drabble
- The Plot Against America – Philip Roth
- The Master – Colm Tóibín
- Vanishing Point – David Markson
- The Lambs of London – Peter Ackroyd
- Dining on Stones – Iain Sinclair
- Cloud Atlas – David Mitchell
- Drop City – T. Coraghessan Boyle
- The Colour – Rose Tremain
- Thursbitch – Alan Garner
- The Light of Day – Graham Swift
- What I Loved – Siri Hustvedt
- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time – Mark Haddon
- Islands – Dan Sleigh
- Elizabeth Costello – J.M. Coetzee
- London Orbital – Iain Sinclair
- Family Matters – Rohinton Mistry
- Fingersmith – Sarah Waters
- The Double – José Saramago
- Everything is Illuminated – Jonathan Safran Foer
- Unless – Carol Shields
- Kafka on the Shore – Haruki Murakami
- The Story of Lucy Gault – William Trevor
- That They May Face the Rising Sun – John McGahern
- In the Forest – Edna O’Brien
- Shroud – John Banville
- Middlesex – Jeffrey Eugenides
- Youth – J.M. Coetzee
- Dead Air – Iain Banks
- Nowhere Man – Aleksandar Hemon
- The Book of Illusions – Paul Auster
- Gabriel’s Gift – Hanif Kureishi
- Austerlitz – W.G. Sebald
- Platform – Michael Houellebecq
- Schooling – Heather McGowan
- Atonement – Ian McEwan
- The Corrections – Jonathan Franzen
- Don’t Move – Margaret Mazzantini
- The Body Artist – Don DeLillo
- Fury – Salman Rushdie
- At Swim, Two Boys – Jamie O’Neill
- Choke – Chuck Palahniuk
- Life of Pi – Yann Martel
- The Feast of the Goat – Mario Vargos Llosa
- An Obedient Father – Akhil Sharma
- The Devil and Miss Prym – Paulo Coelho
- Spring Flowers, Spring Frost – Ismail Kadare
- White Teeth – Zadie Smith
- The Heart of Redness – Zakes Mda
- Under the Skin – Michel Faber
- Ignorance – Milan Kundera
- Nineteen Seventy Seven – David Peace
- Celestial Harmonies – Péter Esterházy
- City of God – E.L. Doctorow
- How the Dead Live – Will Self
- The Human Stain – Philip Roth
- The Blind Assassin – Margaret Atwood
- After the Quake – Haruki Murakami
- Small Remedies – Shashi Deshpande
- Super-Cannes – J.G. Ballard
- House of Leaves – Mark Z. Danielewski
- Blonde – Joyce Carol Oates
- Pastoralia – George Saunders
- 1900s
- Timbuktu – Paul Auster
- The Romantics – Pankaj Mishra
- Cryptonomicon – Neal Stephenson
- As If I Am Not There – Slavenka Drakuli?
- Everything You Need – A.L. Kennedy
- Fear and Trembling – Amélie Nothomb
- The Ground Beneath Her Feet – Salman Rushdie
- Disgrace – J.M. Coetzee
- Sputnik Sweetheart – Haruki Murakami
- Elementary Particles – Michel Houellebecq
- Intimacy – Hanif Kureishi
- Amsterdam – Ian McEwan
- Cloudsplitter – Russell Banks
- All Souls Day – Cees Nooteboom
- The Talk of the Town – Ardal O’Hanlon
- Tipping the Velvet – Sarah Waters
- The Poisonwood Bible – Barbara Kingsolver
- Glamorama – Bret Easton Ellis
- Another World – Pat Barker
- The Hours – Michael Cunningham
- Veronika Decides to Die – Paulo Coelho
- Mason & Dixon – Thomas Pynchon
- The God of Small Things – Arundhati Roy
- Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden
- Great Apes – Will Self
- Enduring Love – Ian McEwan
- Underworld – Don DeLillo
- Jack Maggs – Peter Carey
- The Life of Insects – Victor Pelevin
- American Pastoral – Philip Roth
- The Untouchable – John Banville
- Silk – Alessandro Baricco
- Cocaine Nights – J.G. Ballard
- Hallucinating Foucault – Patricia Duncker
- Fugitive Pieces – Anne Michaels
- The Ghost Road – Pat Barker
- Forever a Stranger – Hella Haasse
- Infinite Jest – David Foster Wallace
- The Clay Machine-Gun – Victor Pelevin
- Alias Grace – Margaret Atwood
- The Unconsoled – Kazuo Ishiguro
- Morvern Callar – Alan Warner
- The Information – Martin Amis
- The Moor’s Last Sigh – Salman Rushdie
- Sabbath’s Theater – Philip Roth
- The Rings of Saturn – W.G. Sebald
- The Reader – Bernhard Schlink
- A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry
- Love’s Work – Gillian Rose
- The End of the Story – Lydia Davis
- Mr. Vertigo – Paul Auster
- The Folding Star – Alan Hollinghurst
- Whatever – Michel Houellebecq
- Land – Park Kyong-ni
- The Master of Petersburg – J.M. Coetzee
- The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle – Haruki Murakami
- Pereira Declares: A Testimony – Antonio Tabucchi
- City Sister Silver – Jàchym Topol
- How Late It Was, How Late – James Kelman
- Captain Corelli’s Mandolin – Louis de Bernieres
- Felicia’s Journey – William Trevor
- Disappearance – David Dabydeen
- The Invention of Curried Sausage – Uwe Timm
- The Shipping News – E. Annie Proulx
- Trainspotting – Irvine Welsh
- Birdsong – Sebastian Faulks
- Looking for the Possible Dance – A.L. Kennedy
- Operation Shylock – Philip Roth
- Complicity – Iain Banks
- On Love – Alain de Botton
- What a Carve Up! – Jonathan Coe
- A Suitable Boy – Vikram Seth
- The Stone Diaries – Carol Shields
- The Virgin Suicides – Jeffrey Eugenides
- The House of Doctor Dee – Peter Ackroyd
- The Robber Bride – Margaret Atwood
- The Emigrants – W.G. Sebald
- The Secret History – Donna Tartt
- Life is a Caravanserai – Emine Özdamar
- The Discovery of Heaven – Harry Mulisch
- A Heart So White – Javier Marias
- Possessing the Secret of Joy – Alice Walker
- Indigo – Marina Warner
- The Crow Road – Iain Banks
- Written on the Body – Jeanette Winterson
- Jazz – Toni Morrison
- The English Patient – Michael Ondaatje
- Smilla’s Sense of Snow – Peter Høeg
- The Butcher Boy – Patrick McCabe
- Black Water – Joyce Carol Oates
- The Heather Blazing – Colm Tóibín
- Asphodel – H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)
- Black Dogs – Ian McEwan
- Hideous Kinky – Esther Freud
- Arcadia – Jim Crace
- Wild Swans – Jung Chang
- American Psycho – Bret Easton Ellis
- Time’s Arrow – Martin Amis
- Mao II – Don DeLillo
- Typical – Padgett Powell
- Regeneration – Pat Barker
- Downriver – Iain Sinclair
- Señor Vivo and the Coca Lord – Louis de Bernieres
- Wise Children – Angela Carter
- Get Shorty – Elmore Leonard
- Amongst Women – John McGahern
- Vineland – Thomas Pynchon
- Vertigo – W.G. Sebald
- Stone Junction – Jim Dodge
- The Music of Chance – Paul Auster
- The Things They Carried – Tim O’Brien
- A Home at the End of the World – Michael Cunningham
- Like Life – Lorrie Moore
- Possession – A.S. Byatt
- The Buddha of Suburbia – Hanif Kureishi
- The Midnight Examiner – William Kotzwinkle
- A Disaffection – James Kelman
- Sexing the Cherry – Jeanette Winterson
- Moon Palace – Paul Auster
- Billy Bathgate – E.L. Doctorow
- Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro
- The Melancholy of Resistance – László Krasznahorkai
- The Temple of My Familiar – Alice Walker
- The Trick is to Keep Breathing – Janice Galloway
- The History of the Siege of Lisbon – José Saramago
- Like Water for Chocolate – Laura Esquivel
- A Prayer for Owen Meany – John Irving
- London Fields – Martin Amis
- The Book of Evidence – John Banville
- Cat’s Eye – Margaret Atwood
- Foucault’s Pendulum – Umberto Eco
- The Beautiful Room is Empty – Edmund White
- Wittgenstein’s Mistress – David Markson
- The Satanic Verses – Salman Rushdie
- The Swimming-Pool Library – Alan Hollinghurst
- Oscar and Lucinda – Peter Carey
- Libra – Don DeLillo
- The Player of Games – Iain M. Banks
- Nervous Conditions – Tsitsi Dangarembga
- The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul – Douglas Adams
- Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency – Douglas Adams
- The Radiant Way – Margaret Drabble
- The Afternoon of a Writer – Peter Handke
- The Black Dahlia – James Ellroy
- The Passion – Jeanette Winterson
- The Pigeon – Patrick Süskind
- The Child in Time – Ian McEwan
- Cigarettes – Harry Mathews
- The Bonfire of the Vanities – Tom Wolfe
- The New York Trilogy – Paul Auster
- World’s End – T. Coraghessan Boyle
- Enigma of Arrival – V.S. Naipaul
- The Taebek Mountains – Jo Jung-rae
- Beloved – Toni Morrison
- Anagrams – Lorrie Moore
- Matigari – Ngugi Wa Thiong’o
- Marya – Joyce Carol Oates
- Watchmen – Alan Moore & David Gibbons
- The Old Devils – Kingsley Amis
- Lost Language of Cranes – David Leavitt
- An Artist of the Floating World – Kazuo Ishiguro
- Extinction – Thomas Bernhard
- Foe – J.M. Coetzee
- The Drowned and the Saved – Primo Levi
- Reasons to Live – Amy Hempel
- The Parable of the Blind – Gert Hofmann
- Love in the Time of Cholera – Gabriel García Márquez
- Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit – Jeanette Winterson
- The Cider House Rules – John Irving
- A Maggot – John Fowles
- Less Than Zero – Bret Easton Ellis
- Contact – Carl Sagan
- The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood
- Perfume – Patrick Süskind
- Old Masters – Thomas Bernhard
- White Noise – Don DeLillo
- Queer – William Burroughs
- Hawksmoor – Peter Ackroyd
- Legend – David Gemmell
- Dictionary of the Khazars – Milorad Pavi?
- The Bus Conductor Hines – James Kelman
- The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis – José Saramago
- The Lover – Marguerite Duras
- Empire of the Sun – J.G. Ballard
- The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks
- Nights at the Circus – Angela Carter
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being – Milan Kundera
- Blood and Guts in High School – Kathy Acker
- Neuromancer – William Gibson
- Flaubert’s Parrot – Julian Barnes
- Money: A Suicide Note – Martin Amis
- Shame – Salman Rushdie
- Worstward Ho – Samuel Beckett
- Fools of Fortune – William Trevor
- La Brava – Elmore Leonard
- Waterland – Graham Swift
- The Life and Times of Michael K – J.M. Coetzee
- The Diary of Jane Somers – Doris Lessing
- The Piano Teacher – Elfriede Jelinek
- The Sorrow of Belgium – Hugo Claus
- If Not Now, When? – Primo Levi
- A Boy’s Own Story – Edmund White
- The Color Purple – Alice Walker
- Wittgenstein’s Nephew – Thomas Bernhard
- A Pale View of Hills – Kazuo Ishiguro
- Schindler’s Ark – Thomas Keneally
- The House of the Spirits – Isabel Allende
- The Newton Letter – John Banville
- On the Black Hill – Bruce Chatwin
- Concrete – Thomas Bernhard
- The Names – Don DeLillo
- Rabbit is Rich – John Updike
- Lanark: A Life in Four Books – Alasdair Gray
- The Comfort of Strangers – Ian McEwan
- July’s People – Nadine Gordimer
- Summer in Baden-Baden – Leonid Tsypkin
- Broken April – Ismail Kadare
- Waiting for the Barbarians – J.M. Coetzee
- Midnight’s Children – Salman Rushdie
- Rites of Passage – William Golding
- Rituals – Cees Nooteboom
- Confederacy of Dunces – John Kennedy Toole
- City Primeval – Elmore Leonard
- The Name of the Rose – Umberto Eco
- The Book of Laughter and Forgetting – Milan Kundera
- Smiley’s People – John Le Carré
- Shikasta – Doris Lessing
- A Bend in the River – V.S. Naipaul
- Burger’s Daughter - Nadine Gordimer
- The Safety Net – Heinrich Böll
- If On a Winter’s Night a Traveler – Italo Calvino
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
- The Cement Garden – Ian McEwan
- The World According to Garp – John Irving
- Life: A User’s Manual – Georges Perec
- The Sea, The Sea – Iris Murdoch
- The Singapore Grip – J.G. Farrell
- Yes – Thomas Bernhard
- The Virgin in the Garden – A.S. Byatt
- In the Heart of the Country – J.M. Coetzee
- The Passion of New Eve – Angela Carter
- Delta of Venus – Anaïs Nin
- The Shining – Stephen King
- Dispatches – Michael Herr
- Petals of Blood – Ngugi Wa Thiong’o
- Song of Solomon – Toni Morrison
- The Hour of the Star – Clarice Lispector
- The Left-Handed Woman – Peter Handke
- Ratner’s Star – Don DeLillo
- The Public Burning – Robert Coover
- Interview With the Vampire – Anne Rice
- Cutter and Bone – Newton Thornburg
- Amateurs – Donald Barthelme
- Patterns of Childhood – Christa Wolf
- Autumn of the Patriarch – Gabriel García Márquez
- W, or the Memory of Childhood – Georges Perec
- A Dance to the Music of Time – Anthony Powell
- Grimus – Salman Rushdie
- The Dead Father – Donald Barthelme
- Fateless – Imre Kertész
- Willard and His Bowling Trophies – Richard Brautigan
- High Rise – J.G. Ballard
- Humboldt’s Gift – Saul Bellow
- Dead Babies – Martin Amis
- Correction – Thomas Bernhard
- Ragtime – E.L. Doctorow
- The Fan Man – William Kotzwinkle
- Dusklands – J.M. Coetzee
- The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum – Heinrich Böll
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy – John Le Carré
- Breakfast of Champions – Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
- Fear of Flying – Erica Jong
- A Question of Power – Bessie Head
- The Siege of Krishnapur – J.G. Farrell
- The Castle of Crossed Destinies – Italo Calvino
- Crash – J.G. Ballard
- The Honorary Consul – Graham Greene
- Gravity’s Rainbow – Thomas Pynchon
- The Black Prince – Iris Murdoch
- Sula – Toni Morrison
- Invisible Cities – Italo Calvino
- The Breast – Philip Roth
- The Summer Book – Tove Jansson
- G – John Berger
- Surfacing – Margaret Atwood
- House Mother Normal – B.S. Johnson
- In A Free State – V.S. Naipaul
- The Book of Daniel – E.L. Doctorow
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas – Hunter S. Thompson
- Group Portrait With Lady – Heinrich Böll
- The Wild Boys – William Burroughs
- Rabbit Redux – John Updike
- The Sea of Fertility – Yukio Mishima
- The Driver’s Seat – Muriel Spark
- The Ogre – Michael Tournier
- The Bluest Eye – Toni Morrison
- Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick – Peter Handke
- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings – Maya Angelou
- Mercier et Camier – Samuel Beckett
- Troubles – J.G. Farrell
- Jahrestage – Uwe Johnson
- The Atrocity Exhibition – J.G. Ballard
- Tent of Miracles – Jorge Amado
- Pricksongs and Descants – Robert Coover
- Blind Man With a Pistol – Chester Hines
- Slaughterhouse-five – Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
- The French Lieutenant’s Woman – John Fowles
- The Green Man – Kingsley Amis
- Portnoy’s Complaint – Philip Roth
- The Godfather – Mario Puzo
- Ada – Vladimir Nabokov
- Them – Joyce Carol Oates
- A Void/Avoid – Georges Perec
- Eva Trout – Elizabeth Bowen
- Myra Breckinridge – Gore Vidal
- The Nice and the Good – Iris Murdoch
- Belle du Seigneur – Albert Cohen
- Cancer Ward – Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
- The First Circle – Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
- 2001: A Space Odyssey – Arthur C. Clarke
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? – Philip K. Dick
- Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend is Laid – Malcolm Lowry
- The German Lesson – Siegfried Lenz
- In Watermelon Sugar – Richard Brautigan
- A Kestrel for a Knave – Barry Hines
- The Quest for Christa T. – Christa Wolf
- Chocky – John Wyndham
- The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test – Tom Wolfe
- The Cubs and Other Stories – Mario Vargas Llosa
- One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez
- The Master and Margarita – Mikhail Bulgakov
- Pilgrimage – Dorothy Richardson
- The Joke – Milan Kundera
- No Laughing Matter – Angus Wilson
- The Third Policeman – Flann O’Brien
- A Man Asleep – Georges Perec
- The Birds Fall Down – Rebecca West
- Trawl – B.S. Johnson
- In Cold Blood – Truman Capote
- The Magus – John Fowles
- The Vice-Consul – Marguerite Duras
- Wide Sargasso Sea – Jean Rhys
- Giles Goat-Boy – John Barth
- The Crying of Lot 49 – Thomas Pynchon
- Things – Georges Perec
- The River Between – Ngugi wa Thiong’o
- August is a Wicked Month – Edna O’Brien
- God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater – Kurt Vonnegut
- Everything That Rises Must Converge – Flannery O’Connor
- The Passion According to G.H. – Clarice Lispector
- Sometimes a Great Notion – Ken Kesey
- Come Back, Dr. Caligari – Donald Bartholme
- Albert Angelo – B.S. Johnson
- Arrow of God – Chinua Achebe
- The Ravishing of Lol V. Stein – Marguerite Duras
- Herzog – Saul Bellow
- V. – Thomas Pynchon
- Cat’s Cradle – Kurt Vonnegut
- The Graduate – Charles Webb
- Manon des Sources – Marcel Pagnol
- The Spy Who Came in from the Cold – John Le Carré
- The Girls of Slender Means – Muriel Spark
- Inside Mr. Enderby – Anthony Burgess
- The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich – Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
- The Collector – John Fowles
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Ken Kesey
- A Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess
- Pale Fire – Vladimir Nabokov
- The Drowned World – J.G. Ballard
- The Golden Notebook – Doris Lessing
- Labyrinths – Jorg Luis Borges
- Girl With Green Eyes – Edna O’Brien
- The Garden of the Finzi-Continis – Giorgio Bassani
- Stranger in a Strange Land – Robert Heinlein
- Franny and Zooey – J.D. Salinger
- A Severed Head – Iris Murdoch
- Faces in the Water – Janet Frame
- Solaris – Stanislaw Lem
- Cat and Mouse – Günter Grass
- The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie – Muriel Spark
- Catch-22 – Joseph Heller
- The Violent Bear it Away – Flannery O’Connor
- How It Is – Samuel Beckett
- Our Ancestors – Italo Calvino
- The Country Girls – Edna O’Brien
- To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
- Rabbit, Run – John Updike
- Promise at Dawn – Romain Gary
- Cider With Rosie – Laurie Lee
- Billy Liar – Keith Waterhouse
- Naked Lunch – William Burroughs
- The Tin Drum – Günter Grass
- Absolute Beginners – Colin MacInnes
- Henderson the Rain King – Saul Bellow
- Memento Mori – Muriel Spark
- Billiards at Half-Past Nine – Heinrich Böll
- Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Truman Capote
- The Leopard – Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
- Pluck the Bud and Destroy the Offspring – Kenzaburo Oe
- A Town Like Alice – Nevil Shute
- The Bitter Glass – Eilís Dillon
- Things Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe
- Saturday Night and Sunday Morning – Alan Sillitoe
- Mrs. ‘Arris Goes to Paris – Paul Gallico
- Borstal Boy – Brendan Behan
- The End of the Road – John Barth
- The Once and Future King – T.H. White
- The Bell – Iris Murdoch
- Jealousy – Alain Robbe-Grillet
- Voss – Patrick White
- The Midwich Cuckoos – John Wyndham
- Blue Noon – Georges Bataille
- Homo Faber – Max Frisch
- On the Road – Jack Kerouac
- Pnin – Vladimir Nabokov
- Doctor Zhivago – Boris Pasternak
- The Wonderful “O” – James Thurber
- Justine – Lawrence Durrell
- Giovanni’s Room – James Baldwin
- The Lonely Londoners – Sam Selvon
- The Roots of Heaven – Romain Gary
- Seize the Day – Saul Bellow
- The Floating Opera – John Barth
- The Lord of the Rings – J.R.R. Tolkien
- The Talented Mr. Ripley – Patricia Highsmith
- Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov
- A World of Love – Elizabeth Bowen
- The Trusting and the Maimed – James Plunkett
- The Quiet American – Graham Greene
- The Last Temptation of Christ – Nikos Kazantzákis
- The Recognitions – William Gaddis
- The Ragazzi – Pier Paulo Pasolini
- Bonjour Tristesse – Françoise Sagan
- I’m Not Stiller – Max Frisch
- Self Condemned – Wyndham Lewis
- The Story of O – Pauline Réage
- A Ghost at Noon – Alberto Moravia
- Lord of the Flies – William Golding
- Under the Net – Iris Murdoch
- The Go-Between – L.P. Hartley
- The Long Goodbye – Raymond Chandler
- The Unnamable – Samuel Beckett
- Watt – Samuel Beckett
- Lucky Jim – Kingsley Amis
- Junkie – William Burroughs
- The Adventures of Augie March – Saul Bellow
- Go Tell It on the Mountain – James Baldwin
- Casino Royale – Ian Fleming
- The Judge and His Hangman – Friedrich Dürrenmatt
- Invisible Man – Ralph Ellison
- The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway
- Wise Blood – Flannery O’Connor
- The Killer Inside Me – Jim Thompson
- Memoirs of Hadrian – Marguerite Yourcenar
- Malone Dies – Samuel Beckett
- Day of the Triffids – John Wyndham
- Foundation – Isaac Asimov
- The Opposing Shore – Julien Gracq
- The Catcher in the Rye – J.D. Salinger
- The Rebel – Albert Camus
- Molloy – Samuel Beckett
- The End of the Affair – Graham Greene
- The Abbot C – Georges Bataille
- The Labyrinth of Solitude – Octavio Paz
- The Third Man – Graham Greene
- The 13 Clocks – James Thurber
- Gormenghast – Mervyn Peake
- The Grass is Singing – Doris Lessing
- I, Robot – Isaac Asimov
- The Moon and the Bonfires – Cesare Pavese
- The Garden Where the Brass Band Played – Simon Vestdijk
- Love in a Cold Climate – Nancy Mitford
- The Case of Comrade Tulayev – Victor Serge
- The Heat of the Day – Elizabeth Bowen
- Kingdom of This World – Alejo Carpentier
- The Man With the Golden Arm – Nelson Algren
- Nineteen Eighty-Four – George Orwell
- All About H. Hatterr – G.V. Desani
- Disobedience – Alberto Moravia
- Death Sentence – Maurice Blanchot
- The Heart of the Matter – Graham Greene
- Cry, the Beloved Country – Alan Paton
- Doctor Faustus – Thomas Mann
- The Victim – Saul Bellow
- Exercises in Style – Raymond Queneau
- If This Is a Man – Primo Levi
- Under the Volcano – Malcolm Lowry
- The Path to the Nest of Spiders – Italo Calvino
- The Plague – Albert Camus
- Back – Henry Green
- Titus Groan – Mervyn Peake
- The Bridge on the Drina – Ivo Andri?
- Brideshead Revisited – Evelyn Waugh
- Animal Farm – George Orwell
- Cannery Row – John Steinbeck
- The Pursuit of Love – Nancy Mitford
- Loving – Henry Green
- Arcanum 17 – André Breton
- Christ Stopped at Eboli – Carlo Levi
- The Razor’s Edge – William Somerset Maugham
- Transit – Anna Seghers
- Ficciones – Jorge Luis Borges
- Dangling Man – Saul Bellow
- The Little Prince – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- Caught – Henry Green
- The Glass Bead Game – Herman Hesse
- Embers – Sandor Marai
- Go Down, Moses – William Faulkner
- The Outsider – Albert Camus
- In Sicily – Elio Vittorini
- The Poor Mouth – Flann O’Brien
- The Living and the Dead – Patrick White
- Hangover Square – Patrick Hamilton
- Between the Acts – Virginia Woolf
- The Hamlet – William Faulkner
- Farewell My Lovely – Raymond Chandler
- For Whom the Bell Tolls – Ernest Hemingway
- Native Son – Richard Wright
- The Power and the Glory – Graham Greene
- The Tartar Steppe – Dino Buzzati
- Party Going – Henry Green
- The Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck
- Finnegans Wake – James Joyce
- At Swim-Two-Birds – Flann O’Brien
- Coming Up for Air – George Orwell
- Goodbye to Berlin – Christopher Isherwood
- Tropic of Capricorn – Henry Miller
- Good Morning, Midnight – Jean Rhys
- The Big Sleep – Raymond Chandler
- After the Death of Don Juan – Sylvie Townsend Warner
- Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day – Winifred Watson
- Nausea – Jean-Paul Sartre
- Rebecca – Daphne du Maurier
- Cause for Alarm – Eric Ambler
- Brighton Rock – Graham Greene
- U.S.A. – John Dos Passos
- Murphy – Samuel Beckett
- Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck
- Their Eyes Were Watching God – Zora Neale Hurston
- The Hobbit – J.R.R. Tolkien
- The Years – Virginia Woolf
- In Parenthesis – David Jones
- The Revenge for Love – Wyndham Lewis
- Out of Africa – Isak Dineson (Karen Blixen)
- To Have and Have Not – Ernest Hemingway
- Summer Will Show – Sylvia Townsend Warner
- Eyeless in Gaza – Aldous Huxley
- The Thinking Reed – Rebecca West
- Gone With the Wind – Margaret Mitchell
- Keep the Aspidistra Flying – George Orwell
- Wild Harbour – Ian MacPherson
- Absalom, Absalom! – William Faulkner
- At the Mountains of Madness – H.P. Lovecraft
- Nightwood – Djuna Barnes
- Independent People – Halldór Laxness
- Auto-da-Fé – Elias Canetti
- The Last of Mr. Norris – Christopher Isherwood
- They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? – Horace McCoy
- The House in Paris – Elizabeth Bowen
- England Made Me – Graham Greene
- Burmese Days – George Orwell
- The Nine Tailors – Dorothy L. Sayers
- Threepenny Novel – Bertolt Brecht
- Novel With Cocaine – M. Ageyev
- The Postman Always Rings Twice – James M. Cain
- Tropic of Cancer – Henry Miller
- A Handful of Dust – Evelyn Waugh
- Tender is the Night – F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Thank You, Jeeves – P.G. Wodehouse
- Call it Sleep – Henry Roth
- Miss Lonelyhearts – Nathanael West
- Murder Must Advertise – Dorothy L. Sayers
- The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas – Gertrude Stein
- Testament of Youth – Vera Brittain
- A Day Off – Storm Jameson
- The Man Without Qualities – Robert Musil
- A Scots Quair (Sunset Song) – Lewis Grassic Gibbon
- Journey to the End of the Night – Louis-Ferdinand Céline
- Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
- Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons
- To the North – Elizabeth Bowen
- The Thin Man – Dashiell Hammett
- The Radetzky March – Joseph Roth
- The Waves – Virginia Woolf
- The Glass Key – Dashiell Hammett
- Cakes and Ale – W. Somerset Maugham
- The Apes of God – Wyndham Lewis
- Her Privates We – Frederic Manning
- Vile Bodies – Evelyn Waugh
- The Maltese Falcon – Dashiell Hammett
- Hebdomeros – Giorgio de Chirico
- Passing – Nella Larsen
- A Farewell to Arms – Ernest Hemingway
- Red Harvest – Dashiell Hammett
- Living – Henry Green
- The Time of Indifference – Alberto Moravia
- All Quiet on the Western Front – Erich Maria Remarque
- Berlin Alexanderplatz – Alfred Döblin
- The Last September – Elizabeth Bowen
- Harriet Hume – Rebecca West
- The Sound and the Fury – William Faulkner
- Les Enfants Terribles – Jean Cocteau
- Look Homeward, Angel – Thomas Wolfe
- Story of the Eye – Georges Bataille
- Orlando – Virginia Woolf
- Lady Chatterley’s Lover – D.H. Lawrence
- The Well of Loneliness – Radclyffe Hall
- The Childermass – Wyndham Lewis
- Quartet – Jean Rhys
- Decline and Fall – Evelyn Waugh
- Quicksand – Nella Larsen
- Parade’s End – Ford Madox Ford
- Nadja – André Breton
- Steppenwolf – Herman Hesse
- Remembrance of Things Past – Marcel Proust
- To The Lighthouse – Virginia Woolf
- Tarka the Otter – Henry Williamson
- Amerika – Franz Kafka
- The Sun Also Rises – Ernest Hemingway
- Blindness – Henry Green
- The Castle – Franz Kafka
- The Good Soldier Švejk – Jaroslav Hašek
- The Plumed Serpent – D.H. Lawrence
- One, None and a Hundred Thousand – Luigi Pirandello
- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – Agatha Christie
- The Making of Americans – Gertrude Stein
- Manhattan Transfer – John Dos Passos
- Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf
- The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald
- The Counterfeiters – André Gide
- The Trial – Franz Kafka
- The Artamonov Business – Maxim Gorky
- The Professor’s House – Willa Cather
- Billy Budd, Foretopman – Herman Melville
- The Green Hat – Michael Arlen
- The Magic Mountain – Thomas Mann
- We – Yevgeny Zamyatin
- A Passage to India – E.M. Forster
- The Devil in the Flesh – Raymond Radiguet
- Zeno’s Conscience – Italo Svevo
- Cane – Jean Toomer
- Antic Hay – Aldous Huxley
- Amok – Stefan Zweig
- The Garden Party – Katherine Mansfield
- The Enormous Room – E.E. Cummings
- Jacob’s Room – Virginia Woolf
- Siddhartha – Herman Hesse
- The Glimpses of the Moon – Edith Wharton
- Life and Death of Harriett Frean – May Sinclair
- The Last Days of Humanity – Karl Kraus
- Aaron’s Rod – D.H. Lawrence
- Babbitt – Sinclair Lewis
- Ulysses – James Joyce
- The Fox – D.H. Lawrence
- Crome Yellow – Aldous Huxley
- The Age of Innocence – Edith Wharton
- Main Street – Sinclair Lewis
- Women in Love – D.H. Lawrence
- Night and Day – Virginia Woolf
- Tarr – Wyndham Lewis
- The Return of the Soldier – Rebecca West
- The Shadow Line – Joseph Conrad
- Summer – Edith Wharton
- Growth of the Soil – Knut Hamsen
- Bunner Sisters – Edith Wharton
- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man – James Joyce
- Under Fire – Henri Barbusse
- Rashomon – Akutagawa Ryunosuke
- The Good Soldier – Ford Madox Ford
- The Voyage Out – Virginia Woolf
- Of Human Bondage – William Somerset Maugham
- The Rainbow – D.H. Lawrence
- The Thirty-Nine Steps – John Buchan
- Kokoro – Natsume Soseki
- Locus Solus – Raymond Roussel
- Rosshalde – Herman Hesse
- Tarzan of the Apes – Edgar Rice Burroughs
- The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists – Robert Tressell
- Sons and Lovers – D.H. Lawrence
- Death in Venice – Thomas Mann
- The Charwoman’s Daughter – James Stephens
- Ethan Frome – Edith Wharton
- Fantômas – Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre
- Howards End – E.M. Forster
- Impressions of Africa – Raymond Roussel
- Three Lives – Gertrude Stein
- Martin Eden – Jack London
- Strait is the Gate – André Gide
- Tono-Bungay – H.G. Wells
- The Inferno – Henri Barbusse
- A Room With a View – E.M. Forster
- The Iron Heel – Jack London
- The Old Wives’ Tale – Arnold Bennett
- The House on the Borderland – William Hope Hodgson
- Mother – Maxim Gorky
- The Secret Agent – Joseph Conrad
- The Jungle – Upton Sinclair
- Young Törless – Robert Musil
- The Forsyte Sage – John Galsworthy
- The House of Mirth – Edith Wharton
- Professor Unrat – Heinrich Mann
- Where Angels Fear to Tread – E.M. Forster
- Nostromo – Joseph Conrad
- Hadrian the Seventh – Frederick Rolfe
- The Golden Bowl – Henry James
- The Ambassadors – Henry James
- The Riddle of the Sands – Erskine Childers
- The Immoralist – André Gide
- The Wings of the Dove – Henry James
- Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
- The Hound of the Baskervilles – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Buddenbrooks – Thomas Mann
- Kim – Rudyard Kipling
- Sister Carrie – Theodore Dreiser
- Lord Jim – Joseph Conrad
- 1800s
- Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. – Somerville and Ross
- The Stechlin – Theodore Fontane
- The Awakening – Kate Chopin
- The Turn of the Screw – Henry James
- The War of the Worlds – H.G. Wells
- The Invisible Man – H.G. Wells
- What Maisie Knew – Henry James
- Fruits of the Earth – André Gide
- Dracula – Bram Stoker
- Quo Vadis – Henryk Sienkiewicz
- The Island of Dr. Moreau – H.G. Wells
- The Time Machine – H.G. Wells
- Effi Briest – Theodore Fontane
- Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy
- The Real Charlotte – Somerville and Ross
- The Yellow Wallpaper – Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Born in Exile – George Gissing
- Diary of a Nobody – George & Weedon Grossmith
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- News from Nowhere – William Morris
- New Grub Street – George Gissing
- Gösta Berling’s Saga – Selma Lagerlöf
- Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy
- The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde
- The Kreutzer Sonata – Leo Tolstoy
- La Bête Humaine – Émile Zola
- By the Open Sea – August Strindberg
- Hunger – Knut Hamsun
- The Master of Ballantrae – Robert Louis Stevenson
- Pierre and Jean – Guy de Maupassant
- Fortunata and Jacinta – Benito Pérez Galdés
- The People of Hemsö – August Strindberg
- The Woodlanders – Thomas Hardy
- She – H. Rider Haggard
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson
- The Mayor of Casterbridge – Thomas Hardy
- Kidnapped – Robert Louis Stevenson
- King Solomon’s Mines – H. Rider Haggard
- Germinal – Émile Zola
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain
- Bel-Ami – Guy de Maupassant
- Marius the Epicurean – Walter Pater
- Against the Grain – Joris-Karl Huysmans
- The Death of Ivan Ilyich – Leo Tolstoy
- A Woman’s Life – Guy de Maupassant
- Treasure Island – Robert Louis Stevenson
- The House by the Medlar Tree – Giovanni Verga
- The Portrait of a Lady – Henry James
- Bouvard and Pécuchet – Gustave Flaubert
- Ben-Hur – Lew Wallace
- Nana – Émile Zola
- The Brothers Karamazov – Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Red Room – August Strindberg
- Return of the Native – Thomas Hardy
- Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
- Drunkard – Émile Zola
- Virgin Soil – Ivan Turgenev
- Daniel Deronda – George Eliot
- The Hand of Ethelberta – Thomas Hardy
- The Temptation of Saint Anthony – Gustave Flaubert
- Far from the Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy
- The Enchanted Wanderer – Nicolai Leskov
- Around the World in Eighty Days – Jules Verne
- In a Glass Darkly – Sheridan Le Fanu
- The Devils – Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Erewhon – Samuel Butler
- Spring Torrents – Ivan Turgenev
- Middlemarch – George Eliot
- Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There – Lewis Carroll
- King Lear of the Steppes – Ivan Turgenev
- He Knew He Was Right – Anthony Trollope
- War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy
- Sentimental Education – Gustave Flaubert
- Phineas Finn – Anthony Trollope
- Maldoror – Comte de Lautréaumont
- The Idiot – Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Moonstone – Wilkie Collins
- Little Women – Louisa May Alcott
- Thérèse Raquin – Émile Zola
- The Last Chronicle of Barset – Anthony Trollope
- Journey to the Centre of the Earth – Jules Verne
- Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll
- Our Mutual Friend – Charles Dickens
- Uncle Silas – Sheridan Le Fanu
- Notes from the Underground – Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Water-Babies – Charles Kingsley
- Les Misérables – Victor Hugo
- Fathers and Sons – Ivan Turgenev
- Silas Marner – George Eliot
- Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
- On the Eve – Ivan Turgenev
- Castle Richmond – Anthony Trollope
- The Mill on the Floss – George Eliot
- The Woman in White – Wilkie Collins
- The Marble Faun – Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Max Havelaar – Multatuli
- A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens
- Oblomovka – Ivan Goncharov
- Adam Bede – George Eliot
- Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
- North and South – Elizabeth Gaskell
- Hard Times – Charles Dickens
- Walden – Henry David Thoreau
- Bleak House – Charles Dickens
- Villette – Charlotte Brontë
- Cranford – Elizabeth Gaskell
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lonely – Harriet Beecher Stowe
- The Blithedale Romance – Nathaniel Hawthorne
- The House of the Seven Gables – Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Moby-Dick – Herman Melville
- The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne
- David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
- Shirley – Charlotte Brontë
- Mary Barton – Elizabeth Gaskell
- The Tenant of Wildfell Hall – Anne Brontë
- Wuthering Heights – Emily Brontë
- Agnes Grey – Anne Brontë
- Jane Eyre – Charlotte Brontë
- Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray
- The Count of Monte-Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
- La Reine Margot – Alexandre Dumas
- The Three Musketeers – Alexandre Dumas
- The Purloined Letter – Edgar Allan Poe
- Martin Chuzzlewit – Charles Dickens
- The Pit and the Pendulum – Edgar Allan Poe
- Lost Illusions – Honoré de Balzac
- A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
- Dead Souls – Nikolay Gogol
- The Charterhouse of Parma – Stendhal
- The Fall of the House of Usher – Edgar Allan Poe
- The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby – Charles Dickens
- Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
- The Nose – Nikolay Gogol
- Le Père Goriot – Honoré de Balzac
- Eugénie Grandet – Honoré de Balzac
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame – Victor Hugo
- The Red and the Black – Stendhal
- The Betrothed – Alessandro Manzoni
- Last of the Mohicans – James Fenimore Cooper
- The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner – James Hogg
- The Albigenses – Charles Robert Maturin
- Melmoth the Wanderer – Charles Robert Maturin
- The Monastery – Sir Walter Scott
- Ivanhoe – Sir Walter Scott
- Frankenstein – Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
- Northanger Abbey – Jane Austen
- Persuasion – Jane Austen
- Ormond – Maria Edgeworth
- Rob Roy – Sir Walter Scott
- Emma – Jane Austen
- Mansfield Park – Jane Austen
- Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
- The Absentee – Maria Edgeworth
- Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen
- Elective Affinities – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Castle Rackrent – Maria Edgeworth
- 1700s
- Hyperion – Friedrich Hölderlin
- The Nun – Denis Diderot
- Camilla – Fanny Burney
- The Monk – M.G. Lewis
- Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- The Mysteries of Udolpho – Ann Radcliffe
- The Interesting Narrative – Olaudah Equiano
- The Adventures of Caleb Williams – William Godwin
- Justine – Marquis de Sade
- Vathek – William Beckford
- The 120 Days of Sodom – Marquis de Sade
- Cecilia – Fanny Burney
- Confessions – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Dangerous Liaisons – Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
- Reveries of a Solitary Walker – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Evelina – Fanny Burney
- The Sorrows of Young Werther – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Humphrey Clinker – Tobias George Smollett
- The Man of Feeling – Henry Mackenzie
- A Sentimental Journey – Laurence Sterne
- Tristram Shandy – Laurence Sterne
- The Vicar of Wakefield – Oliver Goldsmith
- The Castle of Otranto – Horace Walpole
- Émile; or, On Education – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Rameau’s Nephew – Denis Diderot
- Julie; or, the New Eloise – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Rasselas – Samuel Johnson
- Candide – Voltaire
- The Female Quixote – Charlotte Lennox
- Amelia – Henry Fielding
- Peregrine Pickle – Tobias George Smollett
- Fanny Hill – John Cleland
- Tom Jones – Henry Fielding
- Roderick Random – Tobias George Smollett
- Clarissa – Samuel Richardson
- Pamela – Samuel Richardson
- Jacques the Fatalist – Denis Diderot
- Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus – J. Arbuthnot, J. Gay, T. Parnell, A. Pope, J. Swift
- Joseph Andrews – Henry Fielding
- A Modest Proposal – Jonathan Swift
- Gulliver’s Travels – Jonathan Swift
- Roxana – Daniel Defoe
- Moll Flanders – Daniel Defoe
- Love in Excess – Eliza Haywood
- Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe
- A Tale of a Tub – Jonathan Swift
- Pre-1700
- Oroonoko – Aphra Behn
- The Princess of Clèves – Marie-Madelaine Pioche de Lavergne, Comtesse de La Fayette
- The Pilgrim’s Progress – John Bunyan
- Don Quixote – Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
- The Unfortunate Traveller – Thomas Nashe
- Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit – John Lyly
- Gargantua and Pantagruel – Françoise Rabelais
- The Thousand and One Nights – Anonymous
- The Golden Ass – Lucius Apuleius
- Aithiopika – Heliodorus
- Chaireas and Kallirhoe – Chariton
- Metamorphoses – Ovid
- Aesop’s Fables – Aesopus
A tiring Weekend
There were some problems earlier at the work place... but it was sorted out fast enough.
Second, my S/S wall rack for books is not ready yet... I was thinking of rearranging my books later according to the Dewey System... but it seemed that I have to cancel my plan for tonight and have to prepare for tomorrow's presentation. Yes, I work on Sundays... not a big surprise for my family...
Third, I just found a list regarding 1001 books that you should read... so which books that you have read?
2008 Contract
I just been awarded a contract from JP... funny French Guy... but it is pretty meaningful
My Wish for You in 2008
May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words ............
May 2008 be the best year of your life!!!