Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Grandma's final Voyage

The first thing I remembered my Grandma was back I was a young kid... she was always kind and firm... she was always helping me getting out of the troubles... she is grandma... she is a good grandma.... she is always a good grandma for me and she is always there...

But on Friday morning, when I look at a lifeless body... I can't helped to have a bad feeling in my stomach...but I can't throw it out, I have to act strong... in fact I did not cry during the whole funeral because of my own belief... she do not want to see us that way...I am not cold blooded... but it is something that I remember her by...

Today is her cremation day... and we have to attend her after ceremony in these few days...


neil said...

Sorry to hear about your grandma. Hope you're doing ok :)

Chris said...
