Friday, November 30, 2007
Wedding Ang Pow Issue
I been commented by my friend saying that I should put more money on Heng Tai's wedding ang pow. I was thinking what is the correct amount for a wedding ang pow? Because I was giving it out according to market rate and sometime more than that...can anyone comment me on this?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Concert at the Soka, Kota Cheras
Yesterday, I was invited to attend to a music concert by my friend YL.The concert was average but the company was great.
For example, I felt that Mozart's piece should have a faster tempo or beat to it and so with Strauss's piece. But, it have to do with the wind and brass section where they need someone more experienced PERSON handling the group. The string section also needed more practices because at some point, they went out of notes several times... The Lord of The Ring's theme, man that does not do any justice to the piece and also Les Miserables' medley. So, overall I will give the performance a 6 out of 10...
The company which consist of YL and her husband, Tan, is great. I am happy that we have time to sit down together. However, I have to apologize for being late, there are no excuses for it... but I hope that the organizer should have updated their map because landmarks such as Makro and Leisure Mall are not no longer existed.
Anywhere, thanks YL for the x-mas present, and I will only opened it on X-mas. Okay?
For example, I felt that Mozart's piece should have a faster tempo or beat to it and so with Strauss's piece. But, it have to do with the wind and brass section where they need someone more experienced PERSON handling the group. The string section also needed more practices because at some point, they went out of notes several times... The Lord of The Ring's theme, man that does not do any justice to the piece and also Les Miserables' medley. So, overall I will give the performance a 6 out of 10...
The company which consist of YL and her husband, Tan, is great. I am happy that we have time to sit down together. However, I have to apologize for being late, there are no excuses for it... but I hope that the organizer should have updated their map because landmarks such as Makro and Leisure Mall are not no longer existed.
Anywhere, thanks YL for the x-mas present, and I will only opened it on X-mas. Okay?
Friday, November 23, 2007
Beauty of Mathematics
(Send by AB)
Give some time to look at these (below) wonders of Mathematics.
Look at the beauty, symmetry and revelation of Maths.
Beauty of Maths!
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=123456789 87654321
Now, take a look at this...
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%.
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K is equal to
8+1+18+4+23 + 15+18+11 = 98%
K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E is equal to
11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%
A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E is equal to
1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
L-O-V-E- O-F-G-O-D is equal to
12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
Have a nice day & God bless!!!
Give some time to look at these (below) wonders of Mathematics.
Look at the beauty, symmetry and revelation of Maths.
Beauty of Maths!
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=123456789 87654321
Now, take a look at this...
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%.
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K is equal to
8+1+18+4+23 + 15+18+11 = 98%
K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E is equal to
11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%
A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E is equal to
1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
L-O-V-E- O-F-G-O-D is equal to
12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
Have a nice day & God bless!!!
The Thanksgiving that is not..
Looking at this year Thanksgiving, it is some holiday that is not...
1) Kitty Hawk is barred from entering Hong Kong... it is ridiculous for not letting the people on the board to have some R&R...
2) Prices of oil almost touch USD 100
3) US economy is a mess
4) Malaysia's corruption rate is scary... it is like everyday there are corruption news on the paper... the question is why now?
5) CHAOS in Pakistan...and it is barred from commonwealth.
6) Proton ended the talk with VW... no VW slash Proton model...
7) The share market is having a roller coaster effect all downward...
8) I don't have any turkey to eat...(The biggest reason of all)
1) Kitty Hawk is barred from entering Hong Kong... it is ridiculous for not letting the people on the board to have some R&R...
2) Prices of oil almost touch USD 100
3) US economy is a mess
4) Malaysia's corruption rate is scary... it is like everyday there are corruption news on the paper... the question is why now?
5) CHAOS in Pakistan...and it is barred from commonwealth.
6) Proton ended the talk with VW... no VW slash Proton model...
7) The share market is having a roller coaster effect all downward...
8) I don't have any turkey to eat...(The biggest reason of all)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Working on a report
I am working on a report today... and it is not that easy... it is a project that I have been working on one and half month... and I can hand it in on Monday...
It is my first week that I have not being drinking and I will be keeping a journal on this.
I have put my foot down on my partner and it seemed that my business partner understand that I mean business. He being dragging his 'rear' for some time and I need the business to be running ASAP.
FIN for today~
It is my first week that I have not being drinking and I will be keeping a journal on this.
I have put my foot down on my partner and it seemed that my business partner understand that I mean business. He being dragging his 'rear' for some time and I need the business to be running ASAP.
FIN for today~
I will post this instead: The effect of cold water

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.
A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this & Send the link to a friend. It could save a life. So, please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Jokes from YL
It is always said that good joke should be spread around... and I love these jokes from YL's blog...
What is a Kiss?
Prof. of Computer Science: A kiss is a few bits of love compiled into a byte.
Prof. of Algebra: A kiss is two divided by nothing.
Prof. of Geometry: A kiss is the shortest distance between two straight lines.
Prof. of Physics: A kiss is the contraction of mouth due to the expansion of the heart.
Prof. of Zoology: A kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.
Prof. of Physiology: A kiss is the juxtaposition of two orbicular ors muscles in the state of contraction.
Prof. of Dentistry: A kiss is infectious and antiseptic.
Prof. of Accountancy: A kiss is a credit because it is profitable when returned.
Prof. of Economics: A kiss is that thing for which the demand is higher than the supply.
Prof. of Philosophy: A kiss is the persecution for the child, ecstasy for the youth and homage for the old.
Prof. of Engineering: Uh, What? I’m not familiar with that term.
Male or Female?
FREEZER BAGS: Male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.
PHOTOCOPIERS: Female, because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again.
They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong buttons.
TIRES: Male, because they go bald easily and are often over inflated.
HOT AIR BALLOONS: Male, because to get them to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under their butt.
SPONGES: Female, because they are soft, squeezable and retain water.
WEB PAGES: Female, because they're constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.
TRAINS: Male, because they always use the same old lines for picking up people.
HOURGLASS: Female, because over time, all the weight shifts to the bottom.
HAMMERS: Male, because in the last 5000 years, they've hardly changed at all, and are occasionally handy to have around.
THE REMOTE CONTROL: Female. Ha! You probably thought it would be male, but consider this - it easily gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know which buttons to push, he just keeps trying
Elementary Science
- One horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to drag a horse 500 feet in one second.
- The law of gravity says it's not fair jumping up without coming back down.
- Someday we may discover how to make magnets that can point in any direction.
- Most books now say our sun is a star. But it still knows how to change back into a sun in the daytime.
- A vibration is a motion that cannot make up its mind which way it wants to go.
- Lime is a green-tasting rock.
- Many dead animals in the past changed to fossils while others preferred to be oil.
- Vacuums are nothings. We only mention them to let them know we know they're there.
- In some rocks you can find the fossil footprints of fishes.
- A blizzard is when it snows sideways.
- A monsoon is a French gentleman.
- It is so hot in some places that the people there have to live in other places.
What is a Kiss?
Prof. of Computer Science: A kiss is a few bits of love compiled into a byte.
Prof. of Algebra: A kiss is two divided by nothing.
Prof. of Geometry: A kiss is the shortest distance between two straight lines.
Prof. of Physics: A kiss is the contraction of mouth due to the expansion of the heart.
Prof. of Zoology: A kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.
Prof. of Physiology: A kiss is the juxtaposition of two orbicular ors muscles in the state of contraction.
Prof. of Dentistry: A kiss is infectious and antiseptic.
Prof. of Accountancy: A kiss is a credit because it is profitable when returned.
Prof. of Economics: A kiss is that thing for which the demand is higher than the supply.
Prof. of Philosophy: A kiss is the persecution for the child, ecstasy for the youth and homage for the old.
Prof. of Engineering: Uh, What? I’m not familiar with that term.
Male or Female?
FREEZER BAGS: Male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.
PHOTOCOPIERS: Female, because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again.
They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong buttons.
TIRES: Male, because they go bald easily and are often over inflated.
HOT AIR BALLOONS: Male, because to get them to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under their butt.
SPONGES: Female, because they are soft, squeezable and retain water.
WEB PAGES: Female, because they're constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.
TRAINS: Male, because they always use the same old lines for picking up people.
HOURGLASS: Female, because over time, all the weight shifts to the bottom.
HAMMERS: Male, because in the last 5000 years, they've hardly changed at all, and are occasionally handy to have around.
THE REMOTE CONTROL: Female. Ha! You probably thought it would be male, but consider this - it easily gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know which buttons to push, he just keeps trying
Elementary Science
- One horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to drag a horse 500 feet in one second.
- The law of gravity says it's not fair jumping up without coming back down.
- Someday we may discover how to make magnets that can point in any direction.
- Most books now say our sun is a star. But it still knows how to change back into a sun in the daytime.
- A vibration is a motion that cannot make up its mind which way it wants to go.
- Lime is a green-tasting rock.
- Many dead animals in the past changed to fossils while others preferred to be oil.
- Vacuums are nothings. We only mention them to let them know we know they're there.
- In some rocks you can find the fossil footprints of fishes.
- A blizzard is when it snows sideways.
- A monsoon is a French gentleman.
- It is so hot in some places that the people there have to live in other places.
The most unorganized wedding
I am thinking of skipping a friend's wedding tomorrow due to its disorganization... it is the worst of the kind. I hate this kind of wedding.... and most probably I will skip it and watch movies at the home... what is the worst kind of wedding that you have attended?
My first OMEGA watch...
Hmm... I actually received the watch from my father about 6 months ago... it is my first OMEGA watch and is a beautiful piece of workmanship. Not kidding... but when I put it on my wrist, it is the same feeling that I have when I have my first Longines when I was in Form 4...
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