Monday, August 27, 2007

Jokes on me!!! by YL

Good Joke

An Arctic explorer came face to face with a polar bear. Afraid of being eaten, he fell to his knees and started praying. When the polar bear knelt down beside him and started praying too, the man shouted, "It's a miracle!" The polar bear opened one eye and said "Don't talk while I'm saying grace."

Short Jokes
Q: What's a balanced diet for a polar bear?
A: A seal in each paw!

Q: What did the polar bear eat after the dentist fixed its tooth?
A: The dentist.

Q: What did the polar bears say when they saw tourists in sleeping bags?
A: "Sandwiches!"

Q: Why do polar bears have fur coats?
A: Because the seals laughed at them when they wore parkas!

Q: What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a seal?
A: A polar bear.

Q: What are polar bears called when they get caught in the rain?
A: Drizzly bears.

Q: What has four legs and a flipper?
A: A happy polar bear!

Q: How do you keep a polar bear from charging?
A: Insist that it pay cash!

Q: What did the Polar Bear say when it saw a seal on a skateboard?
A: "Meals on Wheels!"

Q: What is white and goes RRRRG! RRRRG!?
A: A polar bear walking backwards

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